Sunday, November 29, 2009


I am not perfect. Obviously. I have, however, had people tell me that I am. This annoyed me profusely.
Because I am not perfect. In anyway. At all. And I am extremely happy that way. Many people strive for perfection; some even go to extreme lengths to even graze what we humans call Perfect. We, as a species, tend to find beauty in seemingly perfect things.
But . . . what is Perfection?
Is it the Best?
Is it the least tainted?
Is it the most expensive?
Or is it what each individual finds to be "perfect" in their own eyes?
Some people may find Perfection in shiny art, some in personal values, some even in food.
For me: I find "perfect" to be in old things, in (what others usually think) ugly things, and odd things. I use the word things because Perfection in my mind can be absolutely anything, except . . . a person.
People were not meant to be perfect. We were made a certain way, and that way is imperfect. In God's eyes, we are Perfect the way he created us. So why strive for what We think is Perfection?
In a way, it can be useless; causing us to be consumed with Image, Vanity, and being The Best (which does not truly exist). Is it really necessary?
No; we don't need to be perfect, for The Perfect One died so that we don't have to be. He was the Only perfect One.

Perfection: for God and God alone
Imperfection: it's what makes us human

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