Friday, March 26, 2010


What changes people? It is obvious that all of our personalities evolve and develop over time, but what affects how we "turn out." Obviously our family and how we grow up does, but what about when you are finally old enough to decide, have opinions, and ultimately choose who you want to be? Is it planned from the beginning? or do we get to choose on our very own? Do people choose for us without us even realizing it?
Another thing is some never seem to stop changing. For example: friends from elementary to middle school, and then from middle to high school (especially boys). I've noticed that some people just continually change, whether they are fakes and flakes or just haven't truly found who they are yet, I'm not sure. Some people seem to know exactly who they want to be, who they are, and who they are going to be. However others seem completely lost, trying to fit in or going against the flow; they never find their "niche" or are quite sure who they'll be in life. And then there is the very few amount of people who don't exactly fit it into either group.
A good question is do we get to choose. Is it like going to the store and choosing to buy the floral dress over the sweatpants? Or is it like being named when you're born, you don't have any say in it? I doubt that many people just sit and think about what their personality is going to be like. So what happens that makes us the way we are? What causes us to dress the way we like to, to listen to our favorite music, to act the way we do? Could it be some higher power, that knows everything..... or could it just be like the flip of a coin, totally random and unexplained?

"I always wanted to be somebody, but i should have been more specific." -Lily Tomlin